Mechanical Engineers Recruitment Exam Questions with Answer Part 1

Mechanical Engineers Recruitment Exam Questions with Answer Part 1

Total 100 Mechanical Engineers Recruitment Exam Questions with Answer Published here
Question1:-The ratio of the maximum displacement of the forced vibration to the
deflection due to the static force, is known as
A:-magnification factor
B:-damping coefficient
C:-logarithmic decrement
D:-damping factor
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question2:-The liquid used in manometers should have
A:-high surface tension
B:-high density
C:-low surface tension
D:-low density
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question3:-When is a fluid called turbulent ?
A:-The density of the fluid is low
B:-Reynolds number is less than 2000
C:-Reynolds number is greater than 2000
D:-High viscosity of fluid
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question4:-The compressible flow is assumed to be
A:-adiabatic only
B:-isentropic and adiabatic
C:-isentropic only
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question5:-Which among the following is an assumption of Hagen-Poiseuille
equation ?
A:-Fluid is uniform
B:-Fluid is compressible
C:-Fluid is turbulent
D:-Fluid is laminar
Correct Answer:- Option-D

Mechanical Engineers Recruitment Exam Questions with Answer Part 1
Question6:-Which of the following is not a correct statement ?
A:-For irrotational flow, the curl of the velocity vector is zero.
B:-Vorticity in a fluid motion numerically equals twice the value of rotation.
C:-Circulation per unit area equals the vorticity in flow.
D:-Circulation is the line integral of the tangential component of velocity taken
round a closed contour
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question7:-In IC engine, the throttle controls
A:-fuel into cylinder
B:-engine speed
C:-quantity of charge
D:-engine load
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question8:-The diesel injection pump is usually driven by a
A:-shaft driven from the engine crank shaft
B:-gear driven from the engine crank shaft
C:-belt driven from the engine crank shaft
D:-chain driven from the engine crank shaft
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question9:-If the compression ratio of an engine working on Otto cycle is increased
from 5 to 7, the % age increase in efficiency will be
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question10:-What is the firing order of a six stroke I.C. engine ?
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question11:-In MPFI-Electronic Control System, the ________ sensor sends
information about the engine speed.
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question12:-The output of a diesel engine can be increased without increasing the
engine revolution or size in following way
A:-Feeding more fuel
C:-Heating incoming air
D:-Increasing flywheel size
Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question13:-A rod, 120 cm long and of diameter 3.0 cm is subjected to an axial pull
of 18 kN. The stress in N/ is
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question14:-The length of a wire is increased by 1 mm on the application of a
certain load. In a wire of the same material but of twice the length and half the
radius, the same force will produce an elongation of
A:-8 mm
B:-2 mm
C:-4 mm
D:-0.5 mm
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question15:-Maximum shear stress in a hollow shaft subjected to a torsional
moment is at the
A:-middle of thickness
B:-at the inner surface of the shaft
C:-at the middle surface of the shaft
D:-at the outer surface of the shaft
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question16:-The ratio of lateral strain to linear strain is called
A:-Modulus of elasticity
B:-Poisson’s ratio
C:-Bulk modulus
D:-Modulus of rigidity
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question17:-With an increase in the thickness of insulation around a circular pipe,
heat loss to surroundings due to
A:-convection decreases while that due to conduction increases
B:-convection increases while that due to conduction decreases
C:-convection and conduction increases
D:-convection and conduction decreases
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question18:-Which one of the following forms of water has the highest value of
thermal conductivity ?
B:-Melting Ice
C:-Boiling water
D:-Solid ice
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question19:-On a heat transfer surface, fins are provided to
A:-increase turbulence in flow for enhancing heat transfer
B:-surface area is maximum to promote the rate of heat transfer
C:-pressure drop of the fluid should be minimized
D:-increase temp gradient so as to enhancing heat transfer
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question20:-Metals are good conductors of heat because
A:-they contain free electrons
B:-their atoms are relatively far apart
C:-their atoms collide frequently
D:-they have high density
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question21:-The time constant of a thermocouple is
A:-the time taken to attain the final temperature to be measured
B:-the time taken to attain 50% of the value of initial temperature difference
C:-determined by the time taken to reach 100°C from 0°C
D:-the time taken to attain 63.2% of the value of initial temperature difference
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question22:-Which among the following statements is not true with respect to a
fixed pitch propeller fitted to the tail shaft with a key and taper ?
A:-Poor fitting is taken care
B:-It safeguards against reduced grip due to temperature differentials
C:-The fitting relies entirely on a good interference fit
D:-It safeguard against reduced grip due to differential expansion of bronze
hub and steel shaft
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question23:-The equation of motion for a vibrating system with viscous damping is
/ + c/m X dx/dt + s/m X x = 0.
If the roots of this equation are real, then the system will be
A:-critically damped
B:-under damped
C:-over damped
D:-none of the mentioned
Correct Answer:- Option-C

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Question24:-For an underdamped harmonic oscillator, resonance
A:-occurs when excitation frequency is less than the undamped natural
B:-occurs when excitation frequency is equal to the undamped natural
C:-occurs when excitation frequency is greater than the undamped natural
D:-never occurs
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question25:-In steady state forced vibrations, the amplitude of vibrations at
resonance is _____ damping coefficient.
A:-equal to
B:-directly proportional to
C:-independent of
D:-inversely proportional to
Correct Answer:- Option-D
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