Term-End Examination June, 2015
INTRODUCTION TO FOOD SAFETY Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note : Attempt five questions in all. Question No – 1 is compulsory.
1. (a) Match the following item in Column A with Column B
(Bold words are Column B)
(i) Aflatoxin Lindane
(ii) Lathyrism Biogenic amine
(iii) Vibrio Chicory
(iv) Scombroid poisoning Citric Acid
(v) Nickel Hands
(vi) Ergot Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil
(vii) Sequestrant Aspergillus Flavus
(viii) Organo chlorine pesticide Kesari Dal
(ix) Coffee Asiatic Cholera
(x) Staphylococcus Claviceps
(b) Give the significance of any two of the following in Food Safety : 2×5=10
(i) Danger Zone
(ii) Food Additives
(iii) Sanitation
2. Justify any four of the following statements : 4×5=20
(a) Natural toxicants are present in animal foods.
(b) Moisture and the growth rate of micro organisms are inter related.
(c) Hazards need to be controlled to ensure food safety.
(d) Stock Rotation is important in controlling the food quality.
(e) Heavy metals can cause damage to human health.
3. (a) What is Food Adulteration ? List the 5 common adulterants found in foods.
(b) What are the methods used for the detection of common food adulterants in milk and turmeric ?
(c) Enumerate the common toxicants found in 8 plant foods highlighting their harmful effects.
4. What are the common bacterial pathogens found in food ? List the source of entry, symptoms of
disease and the preventive measures of any fourof the bacterial pathogens mentioned. 4+16=20
5. (a) What are the safety measures to be undertaken while handling potentially hazardous foods ?
(b) State the significance of sanitizers in food industry giving appropriate examples.
6. (a) Explain with examples how water acts as 10 vehicle of food borne disease.
(b) Differentiate between food infections and food intoxication giving examples.
7. Write short notes on any four of the following :
(a) Pesticide Residues in Foods 4×5=20
(b) Shell fish poisoning
(c) Food packaging and role in extension of shelf life
(d) Good Food Storage Area
(e) Emerging pathogens of concern
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