B.L.I.Sc. Degree Examination, July/August 2011
Paper – III : Information Processing : Classification – I (Theory)
Instructions :1) Students who have attended 25 marks IA Scheme will have to answer for total of 75 marks.
2) Students who have attended 15 marks IA Scheme will have to answer for total of 85 marks.
3) Answer any FIVE of the following questions. Each questions carry 15 marks for both 75/85 marks Scheme and Q.No. (9) in Section – B is compulsory for 85 marks Scheme.
SECTION – A 15×5=75
1. Discuss the need and purpose of library classification.
2. What is idea plane ? Explain any two canons of idea plane with suitable examples.
3. Write a detail note on common isolates used in Colon Classification.
4. State and explain different fundamental categories.
5. Define notation. Discuss the need and functions of notations.
6. Describe the various types of mnemonics used in CC and DDC with examples.
7. Explain the different methods of assigning call number.Click here to download question paper
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