1. Children with special needs can be handled by using:
A. Simple learning strategies
B. Differential learning strategies
C. Activity oriented learning
D. Group learning strategies

2. Who among the following is a delinquent? One who:
A. Shows emotionally immature behaviour
B. Engages in creative activities
C. Responds to sensitive situations
D. Does offences and crimes.

3. According to the theory of Bruner, which of the following statement is correct?
A. Learning takes place gradually.
B. Each leaner should pass through different stages of intellectual development
C. The type of representation used by the learner depends on the type of thinking required.
D. Intellectual development takes place in the same pattern in all individuals.

4. After repeated pairing of a tone with meat powder, Pavlov found that a dog will salivate when the tone is presented. Salivation to the tone is a/an:
A. Unconditioned Stimulus
B. Unconditioned Response
C. Conditioned Stimulus
D. Conditioned Response

5. Which of the following is a true statement about Mental Retardation?
A. Most Mentally retarded people are unable to live normal lives due to their mental deficiencies.
B. With special tutoring, a mentally retarded person can attain average intelligence.
C. The majority of mentally retarded people are mildly retarded.
D. Diagnosis of mental retardation is based exclusively on IQ scores

6. Freud believed that most personality disturbances are due to:
A. The failure of parents to reinforce healthy behaviour
B. A poor self-concept resulting from excessive parental demands.
C. Unconscious and unresolved sexual conflicts rooted in childhood experiences
D. The exposure of children to unhealthy role models.

7. What consideration on priority basis do you keep in mind about discussion method?
A. Adequate class environment facilitating discussion among the students.
B. A turn of debates to the normal discussion
C. Leave aside the unexpressive students in class
D. Keep the discussion at the level of the student’s mental level

8. An adolescent who is striving for better performance to achieve his goal is said to be:
A. Intrinsically motivated learner.
B. Extrinsically motivated learner
C. Reward oriented learner
D. Self directed learner
9. According to Piaget’s theory of learning, which of the following strategies is the most
appropriate one while dealing with adolescents.
A. Catering to the needs of all children as
a common group
B. Providing activity based strategies
C. Creating challenging situations
D. Providing ideal learning situations

10. An effective teacher should be able to handle the classroom situation by providing activities:
A. suitable to the intellectual level of the learners.
B. intended for the talented students only
C. to students to learn at their own will
D. considering the special abilities of students only.

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