B: President of the Zilla Panchayath.
C: Deputy Secretary of the Zilla Panchayath.
D: Deputy Commissioner.
Answer: D
Question 2 :Initially a job seeker should ask for continuous employment for _______ days
A: 10 days.
B: 50 days.
C: 14 days.
D: 100 days.
Answer: C
Question 3 :The action plan prepared under the Scheme is administratively approved by _________
A: General meeting of the Gram Panchayath.
B: General meeting of the Taluk Panchayath.
C: General meeting of the Zilla Panchayath.
D: Programme Co-ordinator of the Zilla Panchayath.
Answer: D
Question 4 :Social audit should be conducted by the Grama Sabha__________
A: Once a month
B: Once in three months.
C: Once in six months.
D: Once a year.
Answer: C
Question 5 :For employment as a skilled worker one __________
A: Need not register.
B: Should register compulsorily.
C: Should make payment to the JE.
D: Should make payment to the President / Panchayath Development Officer of the Gram Panchayath.
Answer: A
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