5th Paper ( Higher Grade )
( Max. Marks : 100 )
( English Version )
Instructions to the Candidates :
i) Write your Register Number and Grade clearly.
ii) You must not have with you any books, notes or papers other than that
supplied to you for the use of this Examination.
iii) Tracing paper supplied to you should be attached to your Answer paper.
iv) Neatness carries more marks.
Draw a suitable design for any one of the following :
1. Thermosflask
2. Pillow cover.
The shape and size of the design is up to your discretion, but it should not be
too small.
Colour your design suitably.
Geometrical instruments and tracing paper may be used.
5th Paper ( Higher Grade )
( Max. Marks : 100 )
( English Version )
Instructions to the Candidates :
i) Write your Register Number and Grade clearly.
ii) You must not have with you any books, notes or papers other than that
supplied to you for the use of this Examination.
iii) Tracing paper supplied to you should be attached to your Answer paper.
iv) Neatness carries more marks.
Draw a suitable design for any one of the following :
1. Thermosflask
2. Pillow cover.
The shape and size of the design is up to your discretion, but it should not be
too small.
Colour your design suitably.
Geometrical instruments and tracing paper may be used.