Answer any FIVE questions
(5 8 = 40)
1. Enumerate the importance of theories in Psychotherapy.
2. Describe the nature of therapeutic relationship in Freudian therapy.
3. Outline the strategies and techniques employed in personal construct therapy.
4. Explain the goals of existential therapy and their strategies.
5. Enumerate the assumptions of TA.
6. Examine the operant conditioning procedures of behaviouristic approach.
7. Analyse the significance of REBT in the modern worlds.
8. Write about supervised clinical practices.
Answer any THREE questions
(3 20 = 60)
9. Elaborate the theoretical assumptions of Kleinian approach with the techniques
used in the approach.
10. Describe the nature therapists, therapeutic relationship and strategies employed in
Adlerian therapy.
11. Elaborate the strategies and techniques utilized in Gestalt therapy.
12. Examine the nature, psychological disturbance and techniques employed in JA.
13. Conceptualize the psychological disturbance with reference to behaviouristic
approach and explain the acquisition and perpetuation of the same.
Answer any FIVE questions
(5 8 = 40)
1. Enumerate the importance of theories in Psychotherapy.
2. Describe the nature of therapeutic relationship in Freudian therapy.
3. Outline the strategies and techniques employed in personal construct therapy.
4. Explain the goals of existential therapy and their strategies.
5. Enumerate the assumptions of TA.
6. Examine the operant conditioning procedures of behaviouristic approach.
7. Analyse the significance of REBT in the modern worlds.
8. Write about supervised clinical practices.
Answer any THREE questions
(3 20 = 60)
9. Elaborate the theoretical assumptions of Kleinian approach with the techniques
used in the approach.
10. Describe the nature therapists, therapeutic relationship and strategies employed in
Adlerian therapy.
11. Elaborate the strategies and techniques utilized in Gestalt therapy.
12. Examine the nature, psychological disturbance and techniques employed in JA.
13. Conceptualize the psychological disturbance with reference to behaviouristic
approach and explain the acquisition and perpetuation of the same.