Staff Nurse entrance exam model question paper

Staff Nurse entrance exam model question paper in Nepal and India

Nursing Staff Recruitment- GNM, B.SC Nursing M.Sc Nursing in different locations of India done through written Examination or Online Examination, There will be a interview after written test. Here we published model written exam questions of Staff Nurses recruitment Examination .More Solved Question Paper available for download

Question No. 1. Normal intra cranial pressure is (ICP)
(a)    0-5 mm Hg    (b)    20-25 mm Hg
(c)    5-15 mm Hg    (d)    10-20 mm Hg

Question No.2 A client is ordered for vanillyl mandelic acid (VMA) test. The nurse understands that the client is a suspective care of

(a)    Chronic kidney disease
(b)    Nephrolic syndrome
(c)    Glomerulonephritis
(d)    Pheochromocytoma

Nursing Exam Questions
Question No.3.    Which of the following is a pre-renal cause of renal failure?
(a)    Severe dehydration
(b)    Tubular necrosis
(c)    Bladder calculi
(d)    Ca Bladder

Question No.4.    A client is posted for exercise ECG test. Which of the following is not an appropriate nursing intervention before the procedure?
(a)    Theophylline products are with held 12 hours before the procedure
(b)    Instruct the client to avoid smoking and alcohol before the procedure
(c)    Allow the client to drink a mug of coffee prior to the procedure
(d)    Withhold Ca channel blockers and β blockers 24 hours before the procedure
Question No.5.    A nurse is reviewing the ECG of a client who is admitted in CCU with myocardial infarction. Which of the following finding the nurse should expect?
(a)    ST elevation (b) T wave inversion
(c) Abnormal u wave (d) All the above
Question No.6.    A nurse in coronary care unit is caring a client with cardiac tamponade. Which of the following findings the nurse should expect in cardiac tamponade?
(a)    Increased CVP
(b)    Jugular vein distention
(c)    Pulses paradoxus
(d)    All the above

Question No.7.    In which of the following stages of labor “show” occurs?
(a)    Stage I    (b) Stage II
(c)    Stage III    (d)    Stage IV
Question No.8.    Erythroblastosis fetalis is characterized by
(a)    Hemolytic anemia
(b)    Hyper bilirubinemia
(c)    Hypobilirabinemia
(d)    Both a & b
Question No.9.    Which is the type of play seen in an infant?
(a)    Solitary    (b)    Parallel
(c)    Cooperative    (d)    Competative
Question No.10.    Patau syndrome is
(a)    Trisomy 21    (b)    Trisomy 18
(c)    Trisomy 13    (d)    XXY

Question No.11.    Which of the following is a cyanotic congenital heart disease with right to left shunting?
(a)    ASD    (b)    VSD
(c)    PDA    (d)    TGA
Question No.12.    According to Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial development theory, a toddler experiences which of the following crisis?
(a)    Trust versus mistrust
(b)    Autonomy versus shome and doubt
(c)    Initiative versus guilt
(d)    Industry versus inferiority

Question No.13.    Rabies is caused by
(a)    Paramyxo virus
(b)    Rota virus
(c)    Human papilloma virus
(d)    Lyssavirus type-I

Question No.14.    NRR-1    can    be    achieved    only    if    couple protection Rate (CPR) is above
(a)    40%    (b)    60%
(c)    80%    (d)    30%
Question No.15.    Post coital pills are consumed within     hours of unprotected intercourse
(a)    12    (b)    48
(c)    36    (d)    72
Question No.16.    Mala-D is an example for
(a)    Combined pill
(b)    Progesterone only pill
(c)    Once a month pill
(d)    Male pill
Question No.17.    Method of cleaning of sand bed for a slow sand filter is
(a)    Running water    (b)    Back washing
(c)    Scrapping off    (d)    Flocculation

Question No.18.    Normal amiotic fluid volume at term is
(a)    100-500 ml    (b)    500-1000 ml
(c)    750-1500 ml    (d)    1500-2000 ml
Question No.19.    During ultrasound evaluation of a 32 week pregnant mother, Amniotic fluid index value shows as 4. The nurse should identify which of the following
(a)    Polyhydramnios (b) Oligohydramnios
(c)   Normal AFI    (d) Boderline
Question No.20.    Apgar score of 4-6 indicates
(a)    No depression
(b)    Favourable for induction of labor
(c)    Severe depression
(d)    Mild depression
Answer for Question No. 1 Option C
Answer for Question No. 2 Option D
Answer for Question No. 3 Option A
Answer for Question No. 4 Option C
Answer for Question No. 5 Option D
Answer for Question No. 6 Option D
Answer for Question No. 7 Option B

Answer for Question No. 8 Option D
Answer for Question No. 9 Option A
Answer for Question No. 10 Option C
Answer for Question No. 11 Option D
Answer for Question No. 12 Option B
Answer for Question No. 13 Option D  
Answer for Question No. 14 Option B  
Answer for Question No. 15 Option B   
Answer for Question No. 16 Option A     

Answer for Question No. 17 Option C   

Answer for Question No. 18 Option B  
Answer for Question No. 19 Option B  
Answer for Question No. 20 Option D  
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Staff Nurse entrance exam model question paper in Nepal and India

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